Tim and Lisa Cocking – (Black Forest Academy – Germany)
The Cockings teach and work at the Black Forest Academy. Tim also does volunteer work for The Jesus Film.

Heather Crum – (Housekeeper, Upper Peninsula Bible Camp)

Jorge and Ginny Enciso – (“Fundacion Comunicad Viva”, Colombia, South America)
The Encisos work with at-risk youth and establish house churches.

Bill and Lilliana Loudon – (Church planting, Columbia, South America)
The Loudons are pursuing plans to move from Colombia to South Florida to continue their Bible teaching ministry with the Spanish speaking people there.

John and Karen Loudon – (The Ezekiel Project School of Evangelism (TEPSE) Program, Richmond MI)
John teaches classes at TEPSE, and Karen works in the office.

Mike and Laurel Riley- (Student Venture, Athletes in Action, Suttons Bay, MI)
The Rileys work with high school students with Student Venture and college students with Athletes in Action.

Chris Samuel – (Urban Missionary, Detroit, MI)
Chris works with college students on local campuses. He is also involved in several inner-city projects and other local mission opportunities.

Andrew and Susana Schaad (SEND, Church planting in Spain)

Kevin and Ginnette Young (Student Venture, Florida)
The Youngs direct high school missions with Cru.

Bright Hope
An organization which assists the extreme poor through local in-country churches.